Резултати и програма на плейофните реванши в Лигата на конференциите

29 August 2024


Плейофи, реванши

"Истанбул БШ" (Тур) - "Сейнт Патрикс" (Ирл) 2:0 (0:0)

"Гент" (Бел) - "Партизан" (Сър) 1:0 (1:0)

29.8. 17 "Астана" (Каз) - "Бран" (Нор) (0:2)

29.8. 19 ХИК (Фин) - "Клаксвик" (Фар) (2:2)

29.8. 19 "Зира" (Азер) - "Омония" (Кип) (0:6)

29.8. 19,30 "Ружомберок" (Слвк) - "Ноа" (Арм) (0:3)

29.8. 20 "Трабзон" (Тур) - "Санкт Гален" (Швейц) (0:0)

29.8. 20 "Пакси" (Унг) - "Млада Болеслав" (Чех) (2:2)

29.8. 20 "Олимпия" (Слвн) - "Риека (Хърв) (1:1)

29.8. 20 "Пафос" (Кип) - ЧФР "Клуж" (Рум) (0:1)

29.8. 20,30 ТНС (Уелс) - "Паневежис" (Лит) (3:0)

29.8. 21 "Санта Колома" (Анд) - "Викингур" (Исл) (0:5)

29.8. 21 "Жрински" (БиХ) - "Витория" (Пор) (0:3)

29.8. 21 "Серкъл Брюж" (Бел) - "Висла" (Пол) (6:1)

29.8. 21 "Панатинайкос" (Гър) - "Ланс" (Фр) (1:2)

29.8. 21 "Дрита" (Кос) - "Легия" (Пол) (0:2)

29.8. 21 "Килмарнък" (Шот) - "Копенхаген" (Дан) (0:2)

29.8. 21,15 "Целие" (Слвн) - "Пюник" (Арм) (0:1)

29.8. 21,15 "Марибор" (Слвн) - "Дюргарден" (Шв) (0:1)

29.8. 21,30 "Хайденхайм" (Гер) - "Хекен" (2:1)

29.8. 21,30 "Сервет" (Швейц) - "Челси" (Анг) (0:2)

29.8. 22 "Ларн" (СИ) - "Линкълн Ред Импс" (Гиб) (1:2)

29.8. 22 "Пушкаш Академи" (Унг) - "Фиорентина" (Ит) (3:3)

29.8. 22 "Бетис" (Исп) - "Кривбас" (Укр) (2:0)

В скоби са резултатите от първите срещи.

В черно са отборите, които влизат в групите.


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Going through the Social Security Disability application procedure could be a daunting task for many individuals. The method may be advanced and lengthy, and also the likelihood of getting refused are significant. That's where a social security disability legal practitioner will come in. A lawyer will allow you to navigate the applying process, raise your odds of becoming approved, and appeal a denied claim. In this specific article, we are going to talk about at least five issues associated with the part of a social security disability attorney. Going through the Social Security Disability application process by using a lawyer The social security disability application procedure could be perplexing to complicated. Legal counsel will allow you to understand the requirements and show you through the procedure. They are able to also assist you to gather the required health-related facts and documentation to aid your request. They are able to also help out with readying anyone for
JeffreyKar в 07:01 на 21 Dec 2024
OVI regulations around Ohio can be complex, nonetheless it's essential to have a great comprehension of them if members find payments. Driving under will influence of alcohol (DUI) is definitely a grave umbrage just that can feature substantial ramifications on on your future. In Ohio, their lawful threshold for body ethanol content (BAC) is 8%for a large number of drivers then 4 percent commercial truckers. If you will be pulled over by law social control and alleged of drunk driving charge, they may carryout roadside temperance examinations or substance exams, many of these being breathalyser or blood trials, to establish the level of disability. Refusing these types of tests can cause automated penalties, including license suspension. dwi offensive activity in Ohio hold multiple penalties, based on on variables love earlier judgment of conviction, BAC degree, to when present appeared to be an fluke or personal injury involved. Outcomes can come with penalties, license sus
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